Asahi, Australia’s leading brewing company, has joined forces with Riordan Grain Services to drive sustainability and efficiency in barley production through the Asahi Victorian Barley Program. Launched in 2021, the program underscores Asahi’s commitment to a sustainable supply chain while ensuring the highest quality ingredients for its renowned beers, including VB, Carlton Draught, and Great Northern.
Riordan Grain Services provides key support to Asahi and works directly with barley growers to ensure a steady supply of high-quality raw materials for beer production. Riordan’s manage the contracts, logistics, and delivery of malt to Asahi’s breweries.
In addition to strengthening the supply chain, the partnership invests in research and extension to improve barley yields and support growers. A significant project currently underway involves trials conducted by Southern Farming Systems (SFS) in Inverleigh, Victoria. These trials are testing the use of a bio-stimulant derived from brewing by-products to improve soil health and crop performance in cereal cropping systems.
The research is in its second year, with trial plots harvested in December 2024. The bio-stimulant is being evaluated both as a seed treatment and as a post-emergent spray at various concentrations.
Mark Lewis, Chief Commercial Officer, Riordan Grains said that “This initiative highlights how innovation at every stage of the supply chain can lead to substantial improvements in efficiency and environmental outcomes.”
Dave Engel, Regional Category Head Raw Materials, Asahi Beverages, said that “The results of the 2024 trials are highly anticipated and will build on learnings from last year. By repurposing brewing by-products to improve crop production, the program demonstrates the potential of a circular economy to benefit both the environment and the industry “